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C H A R M   B A T T L I N G

There is another way to battle than battle through combat.  Even though you can’t kill an opponent using charm battling, it may be more effective.  If you remember, Disasters pick up items as they make their way around the board.  Charm battling is a great way to get the item if the disaster is too strong to defeat by means of combat.  Charm combat can occur in any of the following ways:

~When a Disaster attacks you when you land on the location
~If you charm a disaster
~If a disaster charms you
~If you charm someone else (or vice versa)

If a disaster attacks you and it has charm, instead of combating you by means of… combat… it will engage in a charm battle with you.  Charm battling work just like combating except for the following things:

1.  Charm adds together! 
2.  In order to successfully charm an opponent, you must have double their charm.  Example:  Two characters, one with one charm and one with two; attack a character with five charm.  Nothing happens, because five is not the double of three (the added charm of the first two example characters).  But if the character with five charm had one charm, then that character would be charmed (as three is more than double of one).
3.  You flip your combat cards over and use the other side.

Now what to do when you charm your opponent?  Well, you have “charmed” them into being on your side.  Now, you get to perform a single action with the character/disaster you’ve charmed.  A list of the actions you can take are:

1.  Move the disaster 1 direction either way / take the rest of the character’s movement
2.  Transfer an item or equipment from the charmed character to you
3.  Attack with it (only applicable for characters)

Now when a disaster charms you, it will either take the item if it has none itself, or it will take the charmed character and attack you with your own character.  Now, you don’t want to kill your own character, do you?  Well, there are a couple of ways to deal with this.  Before it attacks again, you may play a card that reverses charm combat results.  This way, its like you have charmed the disaster/opposing character.  Either you can bonk your character into bonkiness, or you can run away.  After you finish your turn, the character returns to normal.

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